Steramine® Farm & Veterinary

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使用Steramine®作为散装储罐,器具和乳制品设备的手动消毒剂. Deodorizes as well.

EPA Registration No. 10324-63-3640

Product Number 1205274, 1202778, 1202549
Old Product # ST-13, ST-147, ST-204
Dairy SanitationDairy Sanitation Sanitizers
EPA Registration No. 10324-63-3640

#1205274 - 4x1 gallon case
#2103850 - 5 gallon pail
#1202778 - 15 gallon drum
#1202549 - 55 gallon drum


消毒/杀真菌/杀病毒用液的配制: Before using this product, 食品和包装材料必须搬离房间或小心保护. 每5加仑水(或等量稀释)(469 ppm活性夸脱)加入3液盎司消毒坚硬的无孔表面. 用抹布、拖把或机械喷雾装置涂抹本产品. 当使用机械喷雾装置时,表面必须喷洒直至完全湿润. Treated surfaces must remain wet for 10 minutes. 对于喷雾器应用,使用粗泵或触发喷雾器. Spray 6-8 inches from surface. Rub with brush, sponge or cloth. Do not breathe spray. Rinse or allow to air dry. 除非要打蜡或抛光,否则不需要冲洗地板. 冲洗所有与食物接触的表面,如台面, appliances, tables and stovetops with potable water before reuse. Do not use this product to clean or disinfect utensils, glassware, dishes or interior surfaces of appliances. 至少每天准备一次新鲜的溶液,或者当使用的溶液明显变脏时.

注意:使用喷雾应用,覆盖或移除所有食品. 对于严重污染的区域,需要进行初步清洁.

食品加工设备和其他食品加工场所硬表面的消毒, Dairies, 使用说明:用于食品加工设备的消毒, dairy equipment, food utensils, dishes, silverware, glasses, sink tops, countertops, 冷藏储存和展示设备等坚硬的无孔表面. NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS ALLOWED.

Prior to application, 必要时,预先冲洗或预先刮去食物残渣和泥土, presoak. 然后用好的洗涤剂或相容的清洁剂彻底清洗或冲洗物品, 然后在使用消毒溶液之前用饮用水冲洗.

在联邦检查的肉类和家禽工厂和奶制品中作为消毒剂使用之前, 食品和包装材料必须搬离房间或小心保护. 在使用本产品作为消毒剂后,不允许在先前清洁过的坚硬无孔表面上进行饮用水冲洗,前提是在接触食物之前表面已充分排水,以便很少或没有残留物残留.

将1盎司本品溶液加入4加仑水中, (或等量稀释)(200 ppm活性)或将1盎司的小包与4加仑的水混合, to precleaned, hard surfaces thoroughly wetting surfaces with a cloth, mop, sponge, sprayer or by immersion. 对于喷雾应用,使用粗泵或触发喷雾器. 喷离表面6至8英寸,用刷子、海绵或布擦拭. Do not breathe spray. With spray applications cover or remove all food products. 从闭环稀释中心,将200 ppm的活性溶液应用于待消毒的表面. 表面应保持湿润至少1分钟,然后适当排水和风干. 至少每天或当使用的溶液明显变脏时,应准备新鲜的溶液. 对于机械应用,使用溶液不能重复用于消毒应用. 使用消毒溶液后,不允许使用饮用水冲洗.

Apply to sink tops, countertops, 冷藏储存和展示设备等固定坚硬表面采用布或刷或机械喷雾装置. NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS ALLOWED after use as a sanitizer.

Dishes, silverware, glasses, 烹饪用具和其他类似大小的食品加工设备可以浸泡在1盎司/ 4加仑的本产品溶液(200 PPM活性)中消毒。. NO POTABLE WATER RINSE IS ALLOWED.

Dairy Cow Application Directions: The udders, 奶牛的侧腹和乳头可以用1盎司本产品的溶液在4加仑温水中清洗. Use a fresh towel for each cow. Avoid contamination of wash solution by dirt and soil. Do not dip used towel back into wash solution. 当溶液变得明显肮脏时,丢弃并提供新的溶液.

对带壳鸡蛋和蛋制品加工厂中先前清洗过的食品级鸡蛋进行消毒, 每4加仑温水喷淋1盎司本品溶液(或等量稀释)(200 PPM有效). 溶液应该比鸡蛋热,但不要超过130华氏度. Wet eggs thoroughly and allow to drain. 用本品消毒过的鸡蛋,只有在需要立即破碎用于制造蛋制品时,才应进行饮用水冲洗. Eggs should be reasonably dry before casing or breaking. The solution should not be re-used for sanitizing eggs.

NOTE: Only clean, whole eggs can be sanitized. Dirty, cracked or punctured eggs cannot be sanitized.

家禽/火鸡设备、猪舍、动物舍及狗舍的消毒. Prior to disinfection, remove all poultry, other animals and their feed from premises trucks, coops and crates. Remove all litter and droppings and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of barns, pens, stalls, 溜槽和其他供动物使用或穿越的设施和装置. 清空所有食槽、食架和其他喂水器具. 用肥皂或清洁剂彻底清洁所有表面,然后用水冲洗. 每5加仑水(或等量稀释)使用4盎司本品(625 ppm活性夸脱). 用推荐的消毒液浸湿表面10分钟. Immerse all halters, 绳索和其他用于控制和约束动物的设备, as well as forks, shovels, and scrapers used for removing litter and manure.

消毒后,对建筑物、鸡舍等密闭空间进行通风. Do not house poultry, 或其他动物或使用设备,直到治疗已被吸收, set or dried.
所有与饲料或饮用水接触的处理过的设备(机架), troughs, automatic feeders, 喷泉和水)必须用肥皂或洗涤剂彻底擦洗,然后用饮用水冲洗,然后再使用
